The women’s empowerment movement has seen females step into their own power, but in turn, the role men play in society has become more fluid than ever before. 

The traditional stereotypes of having to be unwaveringly strong, stoic and unyielding have been cast aside as a form toxic masculinity.

The modern man encapsulates so much more. 

I have been drawn to photograph the men featured in Portraits of Mankind because they have all had their own challenges and faced them with a strength that is backed with integrity, honesty and vulnerability.

This evolving traveling display will continue to grow and shift as I take a deeper look behind the brave faces of men in our society, uncovering even more inspiring and uplifting stories along the way.

The juxtaposition between their physical body language and their natural ease and softness is encapsulated in their eyes – the windows to the soul.

These men have experienced their own awakening, an uplifting of mind, body or soul that has allowed them to transcend beyond what was holding them back. 

They are masters of art, mindset, writing, physical wellbeing and so much more.

Let’s celebrate mankind and support the men in our community who are advocates for change. 

Every one of them had a moment in their life where they were faced with a life-changing decision and they all chose awakening.


Portraits of Mankind

If you can’t see the exhibition in person, please share this online video exhibition to those that you know can benefit from it.